Floating above the Masai Mara

It must have been about 4:30 or 5 in the morning, our usual wake up time when we stay in the bush. Today it felt particularly early, but we all knew it would be worth it. It was Victoria’s first balloon ride and my first one in Kenya. Thankfully our camp site provided cookies and cups of tea to keep us tied over as we crowded around the giant parachute.

Several men gathered around to start the inflating process. The flames cut through the early morning sky and light up the surroundings. We could finally see just how big this balloon really was. Soon enough we were all climbing into the giant wicker basket and nestling down into our seats.. The pilot made the first initial bursts of flames and within seconds we were floating.

When the pilot declared all was safe we untangled ourselves and peaked our heads over the top. So this is what it must feel like to be a drone! High above floating through the air watching the trees move in the wind. The animals just waking up and gathering around the watering hole. The sun barely peaking through the clouds. How utterly glorious!

We could get lost in the sky for days and constantly find something new to look at. What an experience. Drifting back down to earth we hovered over the grasslands for several minutes just taking in the animals that were underfoot. The grass itself even looked beautiful as we skimmed over the tall glades.

I never wanted to land. Alas breakfast in the bush was calling. An end to a perfect morning and a beginning to a perfect day.

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